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Light Design

We design and produce lighting products for special applications.

The public healthcare system had some serious challenges with long-term hospitalized patients in psychiatric departments, residing in north-facing rooms. The consumption of medicine by the patients was too high, and their stress level also blocked a speedy recovery.

The management wanted to create a healing environment for the patients. Just like pleasant scents can impact shoppers positively in malls or the potential buyer of a new car, light can also have a healing and calming effect that can be used in the healthcare sector.

DayLight Generator Lamp, DGL4; Studies that prove the positive effects of daylight on health and productivity have inspired a slew of lighting products that mimic the sun’s brightness and color as it changes throughout the day.

But there are other aspects of natural light’s dynamism that are harder to replicate—like how it moves across a wall, for example, or filters in through the leaves of neighboring trees. This is an experience stored deep in the brain, and for most people, it is a positive one on a subconscious level.

Lighting plays an important role in healthcare, improving both the patient experience and the staff’s ability to provide the required level of care. Secondly, it can be a contributing factor to reduce the intake of pharmaceuticals for patients.

So lighting can enhance the care environment and reduce costs by saving energy and improving operational efficiency. The latest light technology from ATE™ provides a nurturing atmosphere for your patients and a dynamic working environment for your staff as well.

DGL4 is powered by SAR light, emitting the frequency as the sun. Other versions are available from 2500-5000 Kelvin.